Building Strong Relationships at Work | Joseph “Joe” McInerney | Chicago

Joseph "Joe" McInerney Chicago
2 min readMay 4, 2022


Building solid relationships in today’s workplace is very important to a person’s feeling of overall satisfaction with their job. When good working relationships are in place, there is increased productivity, which is crucial to a company’s success as well as its employees’ sense of well-being. Lasting relationships can be built in the workplace, and this article will be covering some of the best ways to create strong bonds with coworkers.

Positive working relationships require trust, acceptance, and open communication . It is also important to give credit where credit is due to other team members when working as a group. While nurturing strong a strong working relationship with others might come naturally to some, to others it requires a bit of work. A good place for a person to start is to ask questions and honestly try to get to know their coworkers. It’s also a good idea for a person to take a closer look at their own strengths and weaknesses in order to get a better idea of their capabilities.

It can take time to develop lasting working relationships, and this is why it is a good reason to schedule some time to focus on this. When a worker does this, they can feel a bit freer to interact with their coworkers, which helps them to get to know them on a more personal level. Some people will put together after-work events or team meetings where working relationships can be grown. Another idea is to take some time before a meeting or the earlier part of the meeting to talk with coworkers a bit.

One of the best ways to become closer with a coworker is to offer to take some of the burden they are feeling off of their shoulders. If they are having a hard time finishing up a project, it might be wise to offer some help. This can help to build trust, which is an integral part of a working relationship.

Asking coworkers for help can also be crucial to initiating workplace relationships. By asking a coworker to take part in a task or project, there is a chance to get to know them better. It is best to have also offered a coworker some kind of help before asking them for assistance as relationships are a give and take affair.

Originally published at on May 4, 2022.



Joseph "Joe" McInerney Chicago

Joseph McInerney of Chicago has a long career of guiding investment decisions for private investors. Learn more at!